Marvel’s “Thor” movies vs Norse Mythology – things to know

“I take from you your power, by my father, and his father before. I, Odin Allfather, cast you out!” – Odin (Thor, 2011). This is a quote by Odin from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movie “Thor”. When the MCU first announced they were releasing a Thor movie in 2008, Norse Mythology fans were eager to see their favorite Norse God in action on the big screen. However, the differences between the MCU’s Norse Mythology and the “Religious Mythology” the Vikings shared were vast, with the only two similarities being Mjolnir (even though it looked and operated differently), and Odin being Thor’s father. There’s a flip side to that coin however, Norse Mythology has been attracting newer fans recently thanks to the three Marvel Thor movies. As we have based our jewellery brand on Norse Mythology, we also want to  share some of the differences between the MCU produced Thor movies, and Thor Odinson of the old Norse Mythology, for educational and entertainment purposes.

One of the biggest differences between MCU Thor and the Mythology Thor is his means of transportation. MCU Thor seems to have the ability to fly, with the help of Mjölner. However, in Mythology, Thor doesn’t have the ability to fly; he rather uses a chariot drawn by two goats (Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr), to soar through the skies. 

Another major difference between the two Thors is their looks. Marvel’s Thor has piercing blue eyes and flowing blonde, L’oreal-smooth hair, while this depiction of the Norse God might have become a fan-favorite, it’s not source-accurate. In the myths, Thor had blood-red eyes, red hair and a wild red beard.

The last noticeable difference, that we bring up here, is Thor’s main asset, Mjölnir. In the original Mythology, Mjolnir was created by the dwarf brothers Brokkr and Eitri, as part of a bet with Loki. Mjolnir was built, mistakenly, with a short handle unlike Marvel’s Mjolnir which looks like a normal Warhammer. It’s also implied in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that Mjolnir gives Thor his powers, while that is not the case in old Mythology. These parts are important for us in Freya & Thor to stay true to as we do in our Hammer of Thor designs, at the same time as we also enhance the design towards a uniqe polished off Swedish design language.

There are several differences between the Thor in marvel and the Mythological Thor. The stories being told are related, but somehow different. Neither story is better than the other, yet they are both entertaining. The MCU story is entertaining, but we, the crew in “Thor of Sweden” obviously would have hoped that the movies would have stayed more true to the origin. But, yet again, the Thor films are interesting and shed some light on Norse Mythology which is something we absolutely love. We encourage reading the Edda and the myths as well, which is a great way to enjoy the films in a new light.